Run back to Allah

Run back to Allah

Assalamualaikum BEYOUTIFUL people

Everything that I thought I knew or that I thought I could depend on, crumbled and fall. And everything that I thought I was slowly building and growing, collapsed. I was exhausted. I did everything to the best that I can. I remained patient, I never stopped praying to Him for help.

My life's a mess. I would say it's a beautiful mess.

And it goes up and down. Sometimes it stretches wide. Other times it crushes you in it's narrowness. Sometimes it's so eerily quiet. Other times it's a loud bang. My life's beautiful like that. And through that mess, I've learned a very important thing about life. That it's temporary. And just like my struggle - that will be temporary too.

Then you might ask, "Since everything is temporary, what's the point in life?"

That is exactly the point. To know that nothing lasts forever. So if you are enjoying a moment of happiness, of joy, of peacefulness, of calmness, then embrace it, with all of your heart. And never take it for granted. And if you are currently struggling, striving, fighting for a way out - don't despair. Because this pain is temporary, and sooner or later, you will smile and laugh again.

So whatever struggle or difficulties you are currently in, don't rush to get out of it. Allah in His infinite Wisdom, wants you to be where you are right now. Observe what is that current situation of life trying to teach you. And just run back to Allah, no matter what state you're in - brokenness, despair, hopelessness. Stay in the comfort of His Mercy and of His Love, because it's in that space that you'll start giving yourself the permission to do even greater things.

Love with prayers always,


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